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Mikihiro Mukai (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kodokan)​
Tsukuba Medical Center

305-8558-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 3-1

Opinion / Inquiry Page


FAX. 029-858-2773(representative)


Those who wish to see an orthopedic surgeon

From April 2022, a letter of introduction is required in principle when undergoing an orthopedic examination.

If you can make an appointment with our hospital from the referral medical institution, the waiting time for the examination will be shortened.

We ask for your cooperation in alleviating congestion and improving medical services.

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Inquiries to Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital

*We cannot answer questions about medical treatment.

Hospital function evaluation accredited hospital

Japan Medical Function Evaluation Mark

Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital is a Japanese medical function evaluation certified hospital.

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