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Mikihiro Mukai (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kodokan)​
Tsukuba Medical Center

305-8558-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 3-1

Opinion / Inquiry Page


FAX. 029-858-2773(representative)

Efforts of corporations

Donation information

Message from the Representative Director

The closest happiness is health.We are health supporters for everyone in the community.

The most important thing for us is staying healthy. “Healthy longevity” is our wish.Tsukuba Medical Center is working on various projects for that purpose.We need the help of everyone in the community to improve our hospitals, health checkups, health promotion, home care, nursing schools, and autopsy centers, and to work on new projects.We will continue to make further efforts as a public interest incorporated foundation.Thank you for your support.

Tsukuba Medical Center
Representative Director Yasuo Shima

Type of donation

Donations to general activities

Support activities in general (general donation)

It will be useful for the business activities and environment of the corporation, enhancement of maintenance, staff training, etc.

Donations to specific causes

Support activities to maintain the spinning garden (recruitment of specific donations)

The "Spinning Garden" is a relaxing garden created on the pedestrian deck (pedestrian walkway) located between Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital and Tsukuba General Health Checkup Center.2009 years have passed since the garden was created in 15, and the entire "Spinning Garden" needs maintenance (pruning the flower beds) and repairs to the dilapidated benches. This is difficult for our organization to accomplish on its own, so we have launched the "Spinning Garden Renovation Project."
We appreciate your donations.


How to apply

①Submit a donation application form

□If you are transferring your donation through a financial institution or bringing it with you when you visit the hospital, please submit a donation application form by any method.

Donation Application Form Online (Link to Google Form)

Donation Application Form

*If you are applying in writing, please fill out the necessary information and submit it by mail, fax, or in person.

  1. Mailing address
    305-8558-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 3-1
    Tsukuba Medical Center Public Interest Incorporated Foundation
    General Affairs Division Donation Section

    If you would like to bring it in person, please ask a nearby staff member. [Opening hours] Monday to Friday (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) 8:30 to 17:30

② Deposit donations

□There are three ways to pay: bring it in person, pay by credit card, or transfer it from a financial institution.

If you are bringing your donation in person
Please ask a member of staff nearby.
[Opening hours] Monday to Friday (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) 8:30 to 17:30

When using a credit card
Please complete the procedure here.
*The procedure will be carried out via a separate donation payment website outsourced to our organization.

When using a financial institution
Please transfer the money to our donation account.
*We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask that you cover the bank transfer fees.

  1. account number
    Joyo Bank Kenkyu Gakuen Toshi Branch Ordinary Deposit 1642296
    Account holder
    Tsukuba Medical Center Representative Director Yasuo Shima

Donation Acceptance Limits

Please keep the following points in mind when making a donation.

  1. Donors may not be offered any benefits or benefits in return for donations.
  2. Contributors are not permitted to audit the accounts of donations used.
  3. Donations cannot be accepted if the acceptance of such donations would impose a significant financial burden on the Corporation.
  4. In addition to these cases, donations cannot be accepted if it is deemed that there is an obstacle to the operation of this corporation.

preferential tax treatment

Receive tax incentives

Tax incentives for donations

Donation utilization report

I used it for the furniture (one example) of each facility.

Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital

  • Photo of a XNUMX-bed ward (Building No. XNUMX)XNUMX-bed ward (Building No. XNUMX)
  • Photo of Day Corner (Building No. XNUMX)Day Corner (Building No. XNUMX)
  • Photo of Palliative Care Ward Day Room (Building No. XNUMX)Palliative care ward
    Day room (Building No. XNUMX)
  • Photo of Simulation Lab (Building No. XNUMX)
    Simulation Lab (Building No. XNUMX)

Application status

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your deep understanding of our donation to the Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Tsukuba Medical Center.
Your donation will be used for (XNUMX) purchase of medical equipment, (XNUMX) training of staff, (XNUMX) service improvement and maintenance of the hospital environment, and (XNUMX) maintenance of the spinning garden.

* Side-scrolling is possible

Total number of applications Application total
General donation 28 of 3,340,000JPY
Specified donation solicited 2 items (including the donation box for the spinning garden) 154,130JPY
donated goods 20 items (disinfectant, drinking water, lunch boxes, books, etc.)

(As of June 2023, 3)

Crowdfunding project

Details of "#Art in the Hospital | A palliative care ward where patients and their families can smile" can be found below.
(Clicking "Click here for details" will take you to an external site)

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About donations associated with the new coronavirus infection

We received a lot of support from local businesses and individuals.
Thank you very much.thank you very much.

Support listPDF

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Please check here.

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Contact us

305-8558-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 3-1
Tsukuba Medical Center Public Interest Incorporated Foundation
General Affairs Department General Affairs Section Donation Section