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Public interest incorporated foundation
Tsukuba Medical Center

305-8558-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 3-1

Opinion / Inquiry Page


FAX. 029-858-2773(representative)

Medical information

Those who do not have a letter of introduction

Target person

  • Those who are visiting our hospital for the first time
  • Those who have visited our hospital but have not made an appointment

Photos 1

Photos 2

You will be accepted at the reception desk for the first visit, so please take a numbered ticket for "first visit reception" at the ticket machine.
Please understand that waiting time will occur.

About selected medical expenses

At our hospital, at the time of the first medical examination,Patients without a referral letter, you will be required to pay the “Selected Medical Expenses”.
over 200 bedsRegional medical support hospitalYou are obliged to pay a certain amount or more.
[Important Notice] Changes to Selected Medical Expenses (from October 2023, 10)

First visit 11,000 Yen *From October 2023, 10, the selected medical expenses have changed.
・When you see a doctor without a letter of introduction
Revisit 5,500 Yen *From October 2023, 10, the selected medical expenses have changed.
・When the patient visits our hospital despite stabilizing symptoms and requesting a documented referral to another medical institution

If you have a medical examination without a letter of introduction, those with an appointment or a letter of introduction will be given priority, so the waiting time may be longer.

*Even if you are visiting our hospital, if you wish to see another department without a letter of introduction, you will be required to pay the selected medical expenses.

In the following cases, there is no charge for selected medical expenses, so please let us know at the time of reception.

  • Those who have a letter of introduction at the time of the first visit
  • Those who visit a clinical department where treatment is ongoing
  • Those who are referred to the hospital and are examined
  • Those transported by ambulance
  • Occupational accidents, public affairs accidents, traffic accidents, self-pay medical treatment
  • Those who have severe Marufuku
  • Public assistance
  • Those whose main disease is a specific disease specified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare
  • Those who consult an emergency pediatrician

List of outpatient reception desks [For those who do not have a letter of introduction]

* Side-scrolling is possible

Department Hours Month Tue Wed Thu Fri
General medical department 8:30-10:30
Cardiology 8:30-10:30
Respiratory medicine 8:30-10:30
Urology 8:30-10:30
Gynecology 8:30-10:30
Respiratory surgery 8:30-10:30
Digestive surgery 8:30-11:30
Pediatrics 8:30-11:30
Infectious Disease Internal Medicine 8:30-11:30
Chinese medicine outpatient* XNUMX 8:30-14:00
Hematology* XNUMX 8:30-14:30
(pain clinic)*XNUMX

※ 1 The examination will be in the afternoon
※ 2 1st, 3rd, 5th week available
※ 3 Available for outpatient visits only

  • Reservations are required for palliative medicine, mammary glands, and lower extremity varicose vein outpatient services.
    About reservationplease use this form.Please refer to.
  • Reception hours, holiday information, and consultation hours may change depending on the situation on the day.
    Please check in advance when visiting the hospital.
  • Please note that the consultation time will be longer for those who are visiting for the first time.

Flow of consultation

  1. Photos 3

    Please take the number tag of "first visit reception" at the ticket machine.

    *If you do not have a patient registration card, please fill out the medical application form in advance.

  2. Photos 4

    Please submit the following to the counter of the displayed number.

    What to Bring

    -My number card (Myna insurance card) or health insurance card
    [Using the high-cost medical treatment fee system] If you receive a medical examination using your My Number card, you do not need a "ceiling amount application certificate"
    -Recipient ID (only for those who have it)

  3. Photos 5

    If necessary, a nurse will ask you about your symptoms at the counter.
    We will ask you a medical question and guide you to the appropriate department.

  4. Guide to examination room

Inquiries to Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital

*We cannot answer questions about medical treatment.

Hospital function evaluation accredited hospital

Japan Medical Function Evaluation Mark

Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital is a Japanese medical function evaluation certified hospital.

Go to evaluation results