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Public interest incorporated foundation
Tsukuba Medical Center

305-8558-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 3-1

Opinion / Inquiry Page


FAX. 029-858-2773(representative)

Functions and initiatives

Referral ratio/reverse referral ratio

Referral ratio

Metric definition

Of the number of patients seen for the first time (excluding the number of patients on holidays and at night and the number of patients transported by emergency), the number of patients who brought a letter of introduction (medical information provision form) from another medical institution to our hospital and the number of patients transported by emergency for the first time. Shows the percentage of numbers.

Features of our hospital

The referral rate in 2022 was 106.1%. The calculation method for indicators related to referrals has changed, making it difficult to evaluate compared to last time, but like last year, the results were above the median. The spread of the new coronavirus infection3As this year approaches, the numbers that make up the index are showing the same trends as the previous year.

Reverse referral ratio

Metric definition

Referral to another medical institution is called reverse referral.This shows the percentage of patients who were reverse referred out of the number of first-time patients and second-time patients (excluding the number of patients on holidays and at night and the number of patients transported by emergency).

Features of our hospital

The reverse referral ratio in 2022 was 309.3‰. As with the referral ratio, the method of calculating the index for reverse referrals has changed, making it difficult to evaluate compared to the previous time, but the results were significantly higher than the median value.

* "Median" is the value in the middle when numerical data is sorted in order of magnitude.
Numerical data here refers to the index values ​​of facilities participating in the Japan Hospital Association QI Project. Compared to the median value of the 2023 QI Project Results Report published in October 10.

Calculation method (referral ratio)

Numerator Number of referred patients + Number of emergency patients
Denominator Number of first-time patients

Calculation method (reverse referral ratio)

Number of reverse referred patients
Denominator Number of first-time patients + re-examined patients

Inquiries to Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital

*We cannot answer questions about medical treatment.

Hospital function evaluation accredited hospital

Japan Medical Function Evaluation Mark

Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital is a Japanese medical function evaluation certified hospital.

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