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Mikihiro Mukai (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kodokan)​
Tsukuba Medical Center

305-8558-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 3-1

Opinion / Inquiry Page


FAX. 029-858-2773(representative)

Corporate overview

General Affairs Department

System Information Division

Many computer systems are in operation at our hospital, including an electronic medical record system, a medical accounting system, various departmental systems, and a communication system for contacting staff.
All of these are essential to maintaining high staff efficiency and providing accurate and prompt medical services.
The System Information Division cooperates with each vendor in the operation and management of our computer system, formulates and proposes plans for future information systems, and contributes to better hospital management.

Main work content

  • Operation management of electronic medical record system
  • Intranet system operation management
  • Development and management of information infrastructure and security
  • Formulation of medium- and long-term information system update plans