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Mikihiro Mukai (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kodokan)​
Tsukuba Medical Center

305-8558-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 3-1

Opinion / Inquiry Page


FAX. 029-858-2773(representative)

For those using home care

Visiting Nursing Fureai

Our Services

Nurses, physiotherapists, etc. visit homes to provide recuperative care and medical assistance, and support a stable recuperative life at home.
From children to the elderly, those with illnesses or disabilities who are being treated at home are eligible.
Adjusting medicines, consultation, relaxation, etc. are performed according to the symptoms, and if necessary, we will cooperate with the attending physician.
We visit group homes and monitor the health of residents.
Home visits for children who need routine medical care.We also visit kindergartens, nursery schools and elementary schools.
Home-visit rehabilitation focuses on rehabilitation for terminal cancer, intractable diseases, and children requiring medical care.

Vital check

Medical care

Pediatric care

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Who can use

There is no age limit for those who are recognized by a doctor as requiring home-visit nursing care.
You can receive services with long-term care insurance and medical insurance.
(Those certified as needing long-term care under long-term care insurance should consult with a care manager at an in-home long-term care support office.)

For more information, please contact your nearest visiting nursing station.
"Visit Area" in "Frequently Asked Questions"Please refer to.

Opening hours

* Side-scrolling is possible

Opening hours Month Tue Wed Thu Fri Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
8: 30 to 17: 30 Holiday
  • About visiting hoursVisiting Nursing Q&APlease refer to
  • Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, New Year's holidays December 12th to January 29rd

However, in case of emergency, we are available 24 hours a day.