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Mikihiro Mukai (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kodokan)​
Tsukuba Medical Center

305-8558-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 3-1

Opinion / Inquiry Page


FAX. 029-858-2773(representative)

For those using home care

Usage fee

When using with long-term care insurance

  • Bear the burden ratio (from 1% to 3%) of the “long-term care insurance burden ratio certificate”

Click here for details on long-term care insurance.PDF

When using with medical insurance

  • As a general rule, those aged 70 and over bear 1% to 3% of the cost.
  • As a general rule, those under the age of 70 bear 3% of the cost.
  • Preschool compulsory education 2%
  • Severely mentally and physically handicapped person's certificate level 2 or higher, those with specific diseases, etc. can receive the public-funded medical care system.

Click here for details on medical insurance.PDF

Other burden

  • Services that exceed the payment limit (increase in the number of home-visit nursing visits, etc.) and services not covered by insurance will be paid in full.
  • Charges set by the office (transportation expenses, cancellation fees, etc.) will be borne by the actual expenses

Please check here for details on non-insurance coverage.PDF

*For details, please contact each office.